Me first book review is on a wittle gem of a book titled: The Dog Dialogues by Laura Hinson Miller.

Me really wuved this book, because the doggies get to tell their side of the story, rather than their people guessing at what they're thinking. Harold and Herman are both dachshunds and Clark and Lois are yellow labs, but we won't hold that against them.
Harold was rescued from a puppy mill when he was eight and as an ex-stud muffin (his mommy's term not mine) he has some, how should me put this, ummm...quirks. He has a licking fetish. Whether it is his feet or Herman's ears and the licky noises really drive his mom Laura crazy. He also eats baby carrots like they're Snausages!
Herman has a fear of being picked up because he just knows he's going to get dropped. One day he does fall and that's all it takes to prove to him that he has been right all along. Herman also wuvs to hunt gophers, but unfortunately the wittle rodents are tricky and seem to stay one hole ahead of him.
Clark is simple and has only one thing on his mind morning, noon and night and that is to play ball. He has more balls than I do stuffed animals and believe me that's a lot.
Lois is very shy and nervous. She doesn't like much of anything, but she especially doesn't like Harold. She won't even look at him, because he's always staring at her. Herman bothers her too as he is constantly hitting on her. Personally, me think Laura and Todd need to get a girl dachshund for Herman so he'll leave Lois alone.
This book is funny and will have you laughing out loud every time you read it. When Momma reads it to me I have to be careful I don't laugh me-self right off the bed.
In conclusion me would like to say that unless you have absolutely NO sense of humor you should get The Dog Dialogues for yourself and all the dachshund lovers in your life.
Thank you so much for reading me first review. Me hope you liked it and hope you will be back for more.
I will be writing my next review once me feel that Momma has sufficiently paid me all the Chicken Nibbles I think me deserve for me hard work and time away from me favorite past time...EATING!